About Ciclus
Ciclus uses technological solutions in search of ways to transform waste
Fundada em 2010 para atender a uma concessão da Comlurb – Companhia Municipal de Limpeza Urbana, a Ciclus Rio realiza a gestão integrada (transferência, transporte, tratamento e disposição final) dos resíduos sólidos urbanos domiciliares e de grandes geradores das cidades do Rio de Janeiro, de Seropédica e de outros municípios do Estado, além de clientes comerciais.
The structure includes operating a Waste Treatment Center (CTR Rio) and five Waste Transfer Stations (ETRs) located in strategic areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Ciclus also stands out for its cutting-edge technologies that generate inputs such as demineralized water, biogas, and soon, energy.
The company's mission is to prevent pollution and minimize environmental and social impacts that waste can cause, transforming them into inputs that can be converted into economic assets, whenever possible.
To be a sustainable, efficient, and profitable company by providing transportation of and waste-disposal solutions for public and private customers.
- Socio-environmental responsibility –
finding the best sustainability solutions and offering activities to the population through the CEA project (Environmental Education Center); - Simplicity, objectivity, and results;
- Efficient operation and continuous improvement;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Leading by example.